Phase two in the investigation
Phase two in our investigation is to let the students in grade nine choose/preorder their school lunch for three days. We do this to simulate the way our app would work. During these days we will repeat our investigation with weighing plates and doing the surveys.
We started this process by having meetings with our principal and the chef at the restaurant that cooks our food. We explained our idea and they came up with a suggestion of presenting three days where we could offer a few different options each day.
Preordering lunch
We copied menus for the class, presented the idea to them and then let them mark the food they preferred that day. Then we had to sum up the total of each option and send that information to the restaurant.
The days of the investigation
In the lunchroom we made sure that we were ready to remind the students about what food they had chosen. We followed the same protocol as last time. So we weighed the plates before they ate and before they scraped off the leftovers. We also sent out the surveys again to see what they thought of the food and if they chose not to eat what they had ordered.
Everything worked smoothly this time.